2025 Monthly Tournament Standings

Updated  2/11/2025

Monthly Tournament 

Not final until the last calendar day of  each month




Largest Sheepshead

Club Shirt     

  Eric Perle 20"

2nd Largest SheepsheadClub Hat  Kevin Fleming 17"
FebruaryLargest combined Pompano & PermitClub Shirt
   Todd Piug 16"

2nd Largest combined Pompano & Permit
Club Hat
Gwen Verna 14"
MarchMost SnookClub Shirt

2nd Most Snook
Club Hat
AprilMost species Pure (artificial) onlyClub Shirt

Most species Generic (bait, scent,etc)
Club Hat


Largest Dolphin (Mahi)

Club Shirt

2nd Largest Dolphin (Mahi)
Club Hat

JuneSailfish (1 point jump; 3 pts leader touch)Club Shirt

2nd Highest score Sailfish points
Club Hat

JulyLargest Snapper (any variety)Club Shirt

2nd Largest Snapper (any variety)
Club Hat

AugustMost Variety of SnapperClub Shirt

2nd Most Variety of Snapper
Club Hat

SeptemberLargest SnookClub Shirt

2nd Largest SnookClub Hat

OctoberLargest combination of Redfish, Black Drum & TroutClub Shirt

2nd Largest combination of Redfish, Black Drum & Trout
Club Hat

NovemberTarpon, 1 point jump, 3 points leader touchClub Shirt

2nd Highest score Tarpon pointsClub Hat

DecemberLargest Spanish MackerelClub Shirt

2nd Largest Spanish Mackerel
Club Hat